Kali helps us to defeat the demons who limit our perception and consumes the unsavoury qualities that hinder us. A fierce warrior, as we are being called upon to become, individually and collectively.
Kali utilizes her anger as a gift and exudes a kind of strength that dissipates negativity. She teaches us that it is always possible to defeat the demons that seem insurmountable.
Krypto Kali is a unique Devatar, a divine protector and liberator of trustless technology that will enable our new world economies and communities.
It's time for you to call on the powers of… KALI
You are feeling the urge to burn all the debris away! To walk through the fire and begin again. Rise from the ashes of the past and stand fully expressed and liberated in your truth. Take that sword and slice away limiting thoughts, doubt and fear!
This Deva goddess is ferocious in form. Eternal mother of the universe. She encompasses all of this universe from the darkest void to the holiest love. She possesses the energy and wisdom of the great mother, the womb of the universe - a place from where everything is born and everything returns too. She is scary and comforting at the same time.
It's time to call on her power to remember your own dynamic power.
Kali is a wild fearless warrior that can sever your attachments and pettiness so you can be free. She is here to support you in cutting through illusion and fear with her weapons of truth and wisdom.
The decapitated head represent all the chatter and distractions around us, she can remind you of your ability to cut short any mental chatter.
You have Kali’s support to destroy what you witness that prevents goodness. Imagine a divine mother willing to do whatever it takes to protect those in need. She is willing to protect you, from your inner demons as well as outer risk.
Some say we are living in an age of Kail - The Kalil Yuga - a time of great change. Change can be scary, but with Kali’s force you meet the challenge with voracious courage and determination.
‘Shadow work’ is a buzz word that circulates in New Age talk and Kali is the queen of channeling her dark side. She knows that there is power in embracing her scary side.
What is in the dark that can come forwards and be fully expressed?