It's time for you to call on the powers of… LAKSHMI

You are so  deserving of all that you desire! Wealth, both financial wealth, and the wealth of good health, happy relationships, and joyful experiences are  all yours to claim!

Lakshmi wants to be felt, seen and celebrated by you. She will show up in your life as soon as you call on her through beauty, abundance and love.


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Good fortune is already springing up on your path, because you are living in alignment with your core values and maintaining good spiritual hygiene. It's only a matter of divine timing before she blesses you with a bounty of new creative ideas fertile with potential.

Lakshmi loves a clean space and you can create beauty anywhere with some simple effort. A clean house, adorning yourself with jewels or creating a sacred altar are all ways you can tune into her power.

Honor her blessings by spending your money wisely, with reverence, Keep your finances in order.

Prosperity is your birthright and Lakshmi’s energy is a reminder that you are a divine being radiating in the golden light of awareness.

See yourself as a part of the beauty that exists around you, practice gratitude and open yourself to receive.

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3 keys to activating your inner Lakshmi

  1. Cultivate a healthy relationship with finances. Lakshmi calls forward wealth and abundance in all forms. For this to happen, there needs to be a clear path for all to reach you! If you want to create more fortune in your life, start by tying up any loose ends with your current finances. Pay off any outstanding debts, create a solid monthly budget, or cultivate healthier habits with spending. The fruits of your efforts will pay off in dividends as you open up new portals for wealth to reach you.
  2. Clean up your space! Energy flows where attention goes — and if your mind is distracted by mess there won’t be any capacity for new ideas. A clean space is indicative of a clear mind, and a clear mind means you’ll be more adept to receive when the time comes. Spend some time purging old items, decluttering, and reorganizing. Watch your bounty grow as you create more space to receive abundantly.
  3. Lap it up in luxury! Lakshmi teaches through beauty, prosperity, and luxury. If you want to attune to this powerful goddess, spend some time adorning yourself in a beautiful way. Fill your home with fresh flowers, thoughtfully build your altar, or drape yourself in a garment that leaves you feeling radiant.

Om shreem maha Lakshmiyei namaha is the mantra that calls upon this goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, to grant both worldly and spiritual prosperity.